Výhody Pomarančov: Na Chudnutie, Starnutie Pokožky A ďalšie


Video: Výhody Pomarančov: Na Chudnutie, Starnutie Pokožky A ďalšie

Video: Výhody Pomarančov: Na Chudnutie, Starnutie Pokožky A ďalšie
Video: neinvazivny Lifting-VIP Clinic.mpeg 2024, Smieť
Výhody Pomarančov: Na Chudnutie, Starnutie Pokožky A ďalšie
Výhody Pomarančov: Na Chudnutie, Starnutie Pokožky A ďalšie

Pomaranče sú plné vitamínov a minerálov, betakaroténu, draslíka, horčíka a vlákniny. Ich alkalizačné a detoxikačné vlastnosti udržujú vaše telo zdravé. Sú bohaté na vitamín C, silný antioxidant.

Priemerný pomaranč prospieva vášmu zdraviu rôznymi spôsobmi. Môže pomôcť pri chudnutí a tiež posilniť imunitu. Jeho protizápalové, antivírusové a antimikrobiálne vlastnosti by mohli byť pre človeka prospešné rôznymi spôsobmi. Pomarančový džús má protizápalové vlastnosti a štúdie naznačujú, že by mohol pomôcť pri liečbe chronických chorôb (1).

Vlastnosti pomarančov ponúkajú množstvo zdravotných výhod. V tomto príspevku uvidíme, aké sú tieto výhody a aké vedecké štúdie ich podporujú.


  • Aké sú prínosy pomarančov pre zdravie?
  • Aké sú rôzne druhy pomarančov?
  • Aký je výživový profil pomarančov?
  • Aké sú vedľajšie účinky konzumácie príliš veľa pomarančov?
  • Koľko pomarančov môžete zjesť za deň?

Aké sú prínosy pomarančov pre zdravie?

1. Môže pomôcť pri chudnutí

Správy naznačujú, že vláknina v pomarančoch môže podporovať sýtosť, čo môže prispievať k chudnutiu. Zistilo sa, že celé pomaranče podporujú sýtosť lepšie ako pomarančový džús (bez vlákniny) (2).

Vláknina v pomarančoch vás môže zasýtiť a nakoniec budete jesť menej. Toto nízkokalorické ovocie môžete nahradiť dezertmi, vďaka ktorým nebudete mať chuť na sladké.

2. Môže oddialiť starnutie pokožky

Pomaranče, rovnako ako väčšina ostatných citrusových plodov, môžu pomôcť zabrániť poškodeniu pokožky spôsobené UV žiarením. V štúdiách na myšiach mohlo požitie nezrelých citrusových extraktov znížiť hĺbku vrások a spomaliť degradáciu kolagénu (3).

Pomaranče obsahujú organické kyseliny, vitamíny, minerály, vitamín C a flavonoidy. Mohli by hrať úlohu v zdraví pokožky (3).

Niektoré neoficiálne dôkazy naznačujú, že topická aplikácia pomarančov môže tiež vyživovať pokožku. Ich obsah vody môže tiež pokožku hydratovať a urýchliť produkciu kolagénu. Na jeho stanovenie je však potrebný ďalší výskum.

3. Môže regulovať hladinu krvného tlaku

Pomaranče (a ich šťava) sú bohaté na draslík, ktorý pomáha regulovať krvný tlak. Niektoré štúdie tiež naznačujú, že komerčný pomarančový džús môže mať významný vplyv na krvný tlak a ďalšie súvisiace ochorenia (4).

4. Môže znížiť hladinu cholesterolu

Dlhodobý príjem pomarančového džúsu bol spojený s nižšou hladinou cholesterolu u mužov a žien. Šťava by mohla znížiť hladinu celkového cholesterolu a hladinu zlého cholesterolu (5).

Pomaranče sú bohaté na vlákninu (pektín). Štúdie na potkanoch ukazujú, že táto vláknina môže pomôcť znížiť hladinu cholesterolu v pečeni a sére (6).

Vláknina môže tiež zabrániť tomu, aby váš tráviaci trakt absorboval cholesterol. Tiež sa verí, že okrem vlákniny môže znižovať hladinu cholesterolu pomôcť aj vitamín C, draslík a flavonoidy v ovocí.

5. Môže podporovať zdravie srdca

Štúdie ukazujú, že potraviny bohaté na vitamín C, ako sú pomaranče, môžu pomôcť predchádzať srdcovým chorobám tým, že udržia nízku hladinu cholesterolu (7).

Vitamín C v ovocí tiež bráni zrážaniu krvi. Tým sa zabráni trombóze (miestne zrážanie krvi) a zníži sa riziko srdcového infarktu (7).

Draslík v pomarančoch, ako už bolo spomenuté, môže znížiť krvný tlak a znížiť riziko srdcovo-cievnych chorôb (4).

6. Môže pomôcť pri liečbe cukrovky

V nigérijskej štúdii sa pomaranče spolu s iným ovocím považovali za bezpečné na konzumáciu ľuďmi trpiacimi cukrovkou. To súviselo so zdravou glykemickou odpoveďou, ktorú malo ovocie v tele (8).

Dužina ovocia slúži ako skvelý zdroj vlákniny. Vláknina pomáha spomaliť absorpciu cukru a zlepšiť hladinu cukru v krvi (9).

Neexistuje však žiadny výskum, či najmä oranžová vláknina pomáha znižovať hladinu glukózy v krvi. Niektorí veria, že mierny glykemický index pomarančov môže pomôcť pri cukrovke, ale tiež to nebolo dokázané.

Ak chcete vlákninu úplne absorbovať, vyvarujte sa extrahovaným džúsom a choďte na celé ovocie (10).

7. Môže zabrániť obličkovým kameňom

Nedostatok citrátu v moči môže spôsobiť obličkové kamene. Pomaranče (a ich šťava) môžu pomôcť zvýšiť hladinu citrátu v moči a znížiť riziko obličkových kameňov (11).

Pomaranče (a šťava) tiež obsahujú vápnik, ktorý môže znížiť riziko vzniku kameňov (11).

8. Môže pomôcť pri liečbe anémie

Vitamín C v pomarančoch môže podporovať vstrebávanie železa. Železo nemôže byť úplne absorbované v tele bez pomoci vitamínu C (živiny, ktorej sú pomaranče nabité) (12). Pri liečbe môže pomôcť občerstvenie najmenej jedným pomarančom každý deň.

Pomaranče obsahujú aj kyselinu listovú. Niektoré výskumy ukazujú, že táto živina môže pomôcť zabrániť megaloblastickej anémii, poruche krvi, ktorá spôsobuje únavu (13).

9. Môže pomôcť zvýšiť imunitu

Pomaranče sú bohaté na vitamín C. Niektoré výskumy tvrdia, že táto živina môže pomôcť zvýšiť imunitu (14). Aj keď neexistuje priamy výskum, ktorý by hovoril o tom, že pomaranče môžu podporovať imunitu, jeho obsah vitamínu C by mohol pomôcť.

Plody obsahujú mnoho ďalších základných živín, ako je kyselina listová a meď, ktoré môžu tiež podporovať zdravie imunity.

10. May Reduce The Risk Of Colon Cancer

Rat studies show that orange juice may help inhibit colon cancer. The fruit (and its juice) contain hesperidin, which is a flavonoid with chemopreventive potential (15).

The fiber in oranges may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Oranges also contain other important chemopreventive agents that help in this regard (16).

However, some research states that a high intake of orange/yellow fruits may increase the risk of colorectal cancer in men. The mechanism behind this is yet to be studied (17).

The fiber in oranges also helps treat constipation and aids digestion. It is believed that the less fructose in oranges makes them less likely to cause gas. Research is limited here, though.

11. May Promote Eye health

You must have heard how orange-colored fruits and vegetables promote eye health and protect vision. Eating oranges can offer significant eye benefits as the flavonoids in them help boost vision health. Studies showed that participants who consumed oranges were found to have a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration (18).

Additional studies are required to validate these findings.

12. May Help Treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

You should follow a diet that contains low glycemic index foods to combat PCOS. Orange has a low glycemic index and is suitable for those with PCOS. Oranges also improve insulin resistance, which is thought to be the origin of PCOS (19).

Oranges are quite popular. They taste refreshing, but more importantly, they contain important antioxidants that promote human health. Though oranges are common, they are available in different types that we may not be aware of.

What Are The Different Types Of Oranges?

The most common types of oranges are the Washington navel, blood oranges, and valencia.

Oranges are likely to have originated in southern China, northeastern India, and other parts of southeastern Asia. They have since been hybridized, re-hybridized, and altered so much that there are hundreds of orange varieties found around the world today.

While we have understood the benefits of oranges, it is important to understand the fruit’s nutritional values and its various applications that make it so potent.

What Is The Nutritional Profile Of Oranges?

Protein Amounts Per Selected Serving Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Starch Sugars Amounts Per Selected Serving Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) Vitamin K Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Pantothenic Acid Choline Betaine Amounts Per Selected Serving Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc Copper Manganese Selenium Fluoride

Oranges, raw

In pre-historic times, Europeans recognized the medicinal properties of oranges and stocked them on long sea voyages to prevent scurvy. These citrus powerhouses are important sources of vitamin C and folate. Oranges also contain significant antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and other flavonoids.

But does this mean you can eat as many oranges as you want? Well, maybe not. Excess intake of oranges may cause certain undesirable effects.

What Are The Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Oranges?

Oranges are great for you, but only when consumed in moderation.

As they are highly acidic, oranges may lead to heartburn if consumed in excess. They can also aggravate symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) (20).

Due to their acidic content, eating too many oranges can also lead to indigestion (21).

Consuming too many oranges may also cause abdominal pain. One study states the case of an individual who had developed severe abdominal pain after consuming oranges. Its high fiber content could be the reason (22).

Some anecdotal evidence states that eating too many oranges may also lead to diarrhea. However, we need more research to prove this statement.

Hence, it is important you keep a check on the number of oranges you are consuming in a day.

How Many Oranges Can You Eat In A Day?

There is no concrete research on this – but looking at the high vitamin C levels and the abundance of other beneficial phytochemicals, you can consume one to two oranges a day.


The antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory compounds in oranges help treat and prevent chronic disease. However, ensure you do not consume them in excess. Eating one to two oranges a day is sufficient.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How long do oranges last?

Soon after an orange is picked from the tree, it will last for about three weeks at room temperature.

How to store oranges?

Store whole oranges in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life for up to two months. Canning oranges or making jams and jellies are the other ways you can preserve the fruits (23).

What is the difference between mandarin and orange tangerine?

Tangerines are smaller and sweeter than oranges while larger than mandarins. Tangerine has a reddish-orange skin that distinguishes it from the lighter-skinned mandarin and the brighter-skinned orange.

Can you freeze oranges?

Yes. Though frozen fruit is not as good as the fresh variety, oranges aren’t too bad when frozen and thawed. Freezing is one of the most practical ways to preserve fruits at home. The extreme cold retards the growth of microorganisms and slows down the process of rotting. Frozen oranges will continue to retain most of their nutrition and flavor. Freeze them whole, in pieces, or packed in syrup.

What happens if you eat oranges every day?

Eating an orange or two every day is a wonderful way of providing your body with the goodness of important antioxidants and phytochemicals. You will enjoy all of the benefits discussed in this article when you make oranges a part of your regular diet.

Are oranges good for pregnant women?

Oranges are a nourishing addition to the diets of pregnant women. However, orange juices available in tetra packs are not recommended as they may contain preservatives that may be harmful during this period.

Can you eat oranges while breastfeeding?

Your body needs more vitamin C during breastfeeding as compared to pregnancy. Oranges are excellent sources of vitamin C and work as wonderful energy boosters. They also help absorb more iron from food. Hence, you might want to eat oranges or drink orange juice while breastfeeding.

However, you need to exercise constraint as oranges contain a high amount of citrus and acid. If your baby shows any symptoms after you start consuming oranges, please stop orange intake. Reintroduce after a few days to check for any side effects. Make sure to consult your doctor.

Can you eat oranges on an empty stomach?

No. Oranges are generally acidic, and eating them (or any acidic fruit) on an empty stomach may trigger symptoms of acid reflux.

23 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties of orange juice: possible favorable molecular and metabolic effects, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Can eating fruits and vegetables help people to manage their weight?, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • Anti-Photoaging Effect of Jeju Putgyul (Unripe Citrus) Extracts on Human Dermal Fibroblasts and Ultraviolet B-induced Hairless Mouse Skin, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of Citrus sinensis juice on blood pressure, ARYA Atherosclerosis, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Long-term orange juice consumption is associated with low LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B in normal and moderately hypercholesterolemic subjects, Lipids in Health and Disease, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Effects of orange and apple pectin on cholesterol concentration in serum, liver and faeces, Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Vitamin C Rich Fruits Can Prevent Heart Disease, Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Glycaemic response to some commonly eaten fruits in type 2 diabetes mellitus, Western African Journal of Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Higher intake of fruits, vegetables or their fiber reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes: A meta‐analysis, Journal of Diabetes Investigation, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Whole Fruits and Fruit Fiber Emerging Health Effects, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Medical and Dietary Therapy for Kidney Stone Prevention, Korean Journal of Urology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • The role of vitamin C in iron absorption, International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Folate, National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.


  • Vitamin C and Immune Function, Nutrients, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Inhibition of azoxymethane-induced colon cancer by orange juice, Nutrition and Cancer.


  • Role of pomegranate and citrus fruit juices in colon cancer prevention, World Journal of Gastroenterology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Colors of vegetables and fruits and the risks of colorectal cancer, World Journal of Gastroenterology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Dietary flavonoids and the prevalence and 15-y incidence of age-related macular degeneration, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Orange juice allied to a reduced-calorie diet results in weight loss and ameliorates obesity-related biomarkers: A randomized controlled trial, Nutrition, ScienceDirect.


  • Foods Inducing Typical Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms in Korea, Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Symptoms & Causes of Indigestion, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.


  • [Ileus due to oranges in Meckel’s diverticulum], Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.


  • Oranges: Safe methods to store, preserve, and enjoy, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.



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